Friday, January 21, 2011

get your name in heart shape

run exe program
enter character "_"(underscore)
enter your name:
and see suraj.txt file made by the program

=>program shows basic use of file input output
it uses fprintf() function extendedly

-the zip file contains heartsn.c and heartsn.exe
-exe is compiled on p4 in tc compiler

click hear to download

Sunday, January 16, 2011

cipher encryption program written in c Language

cripto is a cipher encryption package developed under c programming language by me
It converts plain text to cipher text and vice versa
It first inputs 0 or 1 for encryption or decryption
then it asks for a text file to be encrypted
and its your text will not be readable
to make it readable again decrypt that file again.. . .. . . .(^_^)

Below is a zip file which contains windows executable exe file and .c source code file
click below to download it

                                          Cripto-v1.0 download

if you have any questions or suggestions about this package you can mail me at